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The New Breed & future of our sport...

We here at the GOM Hunting Club believe it's important to pass on an appreciation for nature to those who will follow us...


It's easy for younger people to get mesmerized by all of the electronic devices available to them but I've witnessed my own sons discover a "new world" around them as they sit in the woods and hear the forest come alive after sunrise!


Below are some small samples of their early adventures!

My oldest son, Jesse, on his first practice turkey hunt in Colorado at the same SWA that we scored our state record bird!  He was very motivated, attentive, and showed great hunting potential...
My boys with me on my first Minnesota deer hunt since 1998...they didn't have their hunter safety yet but were still interested!  Hunted on our tiny five acres...we discovered that even though it's not alot, or enough, land it proved to hold some whitetails and was a highly trafficked transit route...
First year with the high school trap team...good training...
First year hunting squirrels...he had his .22 and we used the sit still method with an old Herter's box call that my Dad gave to me when I was his age.
Earning his Rifle and Shotgun Shooting Merit Badges in the same afternoon!
Putting rounds downrange!
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