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Our evolving quest for "Big Birds"...

Within these pages we will attempt to explain our bear hunting experiences in hopes of helping anyone with the drive & motivation to give bear hunting a "shot!"


While we began as total novices in the fall of 2011, we have learned many valuable lessons.  Most of these were learned the hard way of studying, discussions, and actually doing.  We've tried every method here in Colorado except for the guided hunt on private land.  We usually hunted the same area since it didn't take any points to draw a tag most years.  It was close to home and, with work, we could be "weekend" hunters since the season was a month long.


All of our hunts have been on public land and DiY.  While we weren't successful in tagging out, we offer many, many valuable tips for those thinking about a similar hunt in the future!

Colorado Snow Goose

Our first Colorado Goose Hunt Spring of 2014.  We hunted the Beaver Creek SWA and initially tried the far northern end by walking in and spike camping.  We made it in about four miles, hunted, and hiked with the intent of making it to the southern end.  We found out the hard way that the trail ended in some rocky no-go terrain.  We turned back and drove to the southern end, which proved to be a much better area.  We saw, and shot at a couple of massive color-phased bruins but our long-range accuracy was not where it should have been!  We hiked Table Mountain one 90 degree day and saw plenty of sign but no bear sightings.  We gained valuable experience and stuck to this spot for many years.


Minnesota Canada Goose

Our first Minnesota Canada Goose Hunt fall of 2019.  We hunted the Beaver Creek SWA and initially tried the far northern end by walking in and spike camping.  We made it in about four miles, hunted, and hiked with the intent of making it to the southern end.  We found out the hard way that the trail ended in some rocky no-go terrain.  We turned back and drove to the southern end, which proved to be a much better area.  We saw, and shot at a couple of massive color-phased bruins but our long-range accuracy was not where it should have been!  We hiked Table Mountain one 90 degree day and saw plenty of sign but no bear sightings.  We gained valuable experience and stuck to this spot for many years.

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